Caeneus Ink


Writing Is In Your Veins

Time To Put Your Passion On Paper
No Need for my spiel?
Then dive into...

My Services


You love the idea of writing your own novel. You have a great idea for a book. But you can't seem to find the time. You feel like you'll never make it so don't bother to try.
Whatever the roadblock that keeps you from following your passion, we'll smash through it in style.
Free 20 minute consultation

Creepy Gas Station Guy


I provide editing services for short stories, novels, and articles. My beloved genres are horror, urban fantasy, science fiction and erotica. Make it funny. Make it weird. I can handle it.
Free 500 word sample

Vintage Vampire Woman


Writers need writers. Yes, we can be an antisocial pack, but to be successful, and not die of loneliness, we need other people. More importantly, we need OUR people. Learn together and find your tribe.
Coming Soon

On to the Sales Pitch...

Vik Caeneus

Amateur Crooner

Got what it takes to write?

Here’s the truth, eccentricity is a gift. In fact, if we all stopped caring what other people thought, we might run around in pink tutus and corpse paint.  Just, you know, because.

Ok maybe not. But you get my point. 

Eccentricity or shall we call it creativity is the driving force behind innovation, it is born from our imagination, and is the deepest expression of our souls. 

Fit in, do as you’re told, get a job you hate because it pays the bills. Since our childhood, these are things we’re told are good for us. 

Keep your nose down, do your work, watch a movie on Netflix, repeat.

That may be living for some.

But what about you?

What if you feel drawn to something else? What if you think there is more to life for you? What if you feel you are truly destined for greater things?

“Oh but you’ll be seen as eccentric!”


Good for you. 

Writers are their own most brutal critics.  Sometimes this masochism, although fun for some, may cause a potentially amazing author to give up. 

Maybe when you were a kid, someone said your writing sucked. It might have been a teacher, a parent or a friend.

This made you think you weren’t good enough, and furthermore, that you would never be good enough. So why bother? 

Lets get this straight, no one is born a genius. Even Mozart didn’t come out of the womb composing music.  

He had two amazing things going for him:

  • One, a passion that kept him going.
  • Two, mentors who saw his passion and encouraged him to continue. 

Following your passion takes hard work and commitment. No Joke. If you feel that fire but don’t know how to harness it. Hit me up. We’ll put the flames under your ass and start a wildfire

* No actual forests or backsides will be harmed during our working relationship.

Contact Me

Don't Worry, I Won't Bite.

Vampire Busy Looking at Vampy Lady
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